Sunday, January 6, 2008

setting up the blog.

i've never been a big journaler, so to say...and definitely have never gotten into the whole "blogging" thing. but my buddy amy (who's studying abroad this semester in spain) just told me that my other bud snapp started a blog (and she's in costa rica), so i figured i should do the same. so many memories and events occur while abroad, it's almost impossible to remember every little detail i'm sure! so here it goes, hopefully i stay motivated enough to keep up with this, and that the ship doesn't limit our internet minutes too much (which i know it will).

i leave for the bahamas on january 22nd! it's nuts. i get to spend a day frolicking on the premises of the famous atlantis hotel (it's all about getting a base tan and the sweet water slides), and i'll even have a rando roomie that night. then the next day we set sail on the MV Explorer and head off to puerto rico- wahoo! so far i'm most excited for a 3-day safari i have pre-booked for south africa. we are staying in a tree lodge! and i totally wanna see a liger on my safari. hells yeah. i am really hoping for trips that i can book *hopefully* during my voyage: rio in brazil (we hit brazil at the end of carnaval so it'll be outrageous), dehli/varanasi in india (bollywood, the TAJ MAHAL, and seeing the sacred rituals that happen in the ganges river), and the cambodia trip. i have my fingers crossed.

i've been asked a lot about whether i regret the decision of not finishing my last semester at my home school. i love CU and i'm gonna miss it a lot, but i'll be back in boulder in may. the way i look at it, i simply am finishing out my undergrad career in a big way, goin out with a bang! so hopefully the next time i write i will be chillin by the pool on the upper deck of the booooaaattt. i miss everyone already!

<3 pham

nassau, bahamas
san juan, puerto rico
salvador, brazil
capetown, south africa
port louis, mauritius
chennai, india
penang, malaysia
ho chi minh city, vietnam
hong kong
shanghai, china
kobe, japan
honolulu, hawaii
puntarenas, costa rica
miami, florida - MAY 9, 2008


Snapp said...

So you're trip sounds amAZING! So jealous. Anyway, you have to go to and then there are like a gagillion backgrounds you can choose from! I'll be reading your posts! LOVE U... can't wait til we see each other in Puntarenas!

Unknown said...

Puss - I miss you so much already! I went to text you today and then I realized "no more pham" for a while. I will send you mail to the ports - if I dont lose the damn sheet, then the damn website. I hope you have a fantastic time - you deserve it. I will miss you lots and cant wait for you to come back for my wedding! :) XOXOXOXO PUSS!