Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i'm still alive!

if anyone sees any from my family, my roommate, etc.
.................please let them know that i am alive and that i (barely) survived India!!!! thanks!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


i think india is the turning point of this amazing journey. i have been looking forward to india for about a year now, and india was ultimately why i chose semester at sea in the end. it is going to be life-changing and very humbling. there's no way to prepare for what we are about to see. i'm spending 1 day in delhi, 1 in agra, 1 in the eternal city of varanasi (including seeing the ganges river rituals), and 1 day in chennai. as one of our staff members said, "if you're not going to have any revelations here in india, it's just not going to happen for you at all on this trip." although i don't necessarily agree with this statement completely (i think it will lead to people feeling like they need to say that they are humbled after india), i think it is to be expected for many of us. i want to taste, touch, smell, hear, and see india for all that it is, and in turn be grateful for all that's in my life. i'm tired of taking the littlest things for granted.

madisen sent me a few good words today. "there is no need to be healing and moving on because It's. Not. Over. I'd like to think that Semester at Sea is almost like a completely different life you're renting for 5 months. Almost like a chapter from a different book got popped into the story, "The Everyday Life of Jessica Pham." Don't get your books mixed up! We'll all be here when you get back... a little different than we were, but generally the same... just like you :)" thanks mady k!

i miss everyone at home and i will write after india.

Monday, March 3, 2008

quick update from Mauritius

bonjour! i'm currently at an internet cafe in mauritius and just wanted to update quickly. i'll add more later.

-i'm in love with cape town, south africa. definitely going back for the 2010 world cup. if you're in, let me know. it's an amazing place. i definitely felt that i didn't have enough time there. it was simply breathtaking.

-my 3 day safari was the shiiiizz! i got a lot of great shots and video footage. wish i could post the videos... :(

-currently in mauritius... a small island near madagascar. this is known as the 'spring break' port of SAS... yeeeaaaahh i'll leave it at that for now.
-i've been sick practically every other week because of all the hour changes and probably just a weak immune system. last night i woke up from a nap with green gunk in my eyes and nose treasures all over my face. pretty!!

-our next port is INDIA. i've been looking forward to going to india for almost a year now. i know it's going to be a humbling experience.

-i wish i had time to truly blog right now. one realization i've had is that though i will see a lot of phenomenal sights across the world, this experience is also about the smaller things: being able to hold a memorable conversation with a stranger, singing random songs with my roommate in our room, and getting up at 5am to watch an african sunrise. these are the little things that make this experience worthwhile.

-last but not least: this should've been the VERY first thing to write in my blog:

this is the most unique experience i've ever been through. EVER.